
ROI Calculator

Enter your information to view your expected savings.
Ticket Volume (Yearly)
Enter the number of tickets you receive per year
Number of Agents
Enter the number of agents in your support team.
Agents Salary
Enter the average salary of your agents.
Hours Per Ticket (Knowledge Based)
Enter the average number of hours it takes to solve a knowledge-based ticket (eg. Answering questions on employee benefits, getting information about a 401K plan)
Hours Per Ticket (Action Based)
Enter the average number of hours it takes to solve an action-based ticket (eg. Resetting a password, getting access to software, etc.)
Your Year 1 ROI if you upgrade to SuperDesk is
Your Year 2 ROI if you upgrade to SuperDesk is
Your current cost
The number of agents you have and their salaries( excludes licensing and technology costs)
Savings per month
(with 25% of requests being automatically resolved)

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